I feel like it’s been a while since I talked about branding and websites…this year has seen an increase in business owners looking to scale by working more on the business strategy side of things (well, for me anyway!).
That said, your brand visuals ARE a piece of that next level puzzle so it’s certainly not something to ignore. Especially as first impressions really do count in this online world.
The thing is, with Canva taking over the small business design world it is now SO easy for business owners to create some graphics, even their logo and to bring that all into their own DIY website using a Wix template!
BUT here’s why as a brand designer I’m not worried about the rise in businesses opting for templates and using Canva to design their graphics for free (or minimal costs if they have the Pro account!)
Templates are great BUT if you don’t understand design, the way in which different clients buy, how to use colour psychology and typography to work for your business in the RIGHT way, the thing is you’re likely to just blend in with everyone else!
Even if you go for a strong palette – if the font isn’t right, the images don’t flow and your website looks like an unqualified student has put it all together thinking they need to put everything and the kictehn sink on every page – this is where things can go a bit wrong!
I can count on one hand the number of clients I know who have gone onto creating their own website and actually being happy with the process and outcome.
For most though, it’s far from that! Some of the things I’ve heard over the years from business owners who create their own website – or worse, get their non creative VA to do it for them!! (Don’t even get me started on that one!)
“I’ve been designing my website for weeks and it’s just not looking how I want it to!”
“If I have one more problem with WordPress I’m gonna throw my computer out the window!”
“It’s not working, how do I get the images/text where I want it to go?!”
“It took me WAY longer than I anticipated and it’s still not quite what I wanted”
“I never want to design a website again!”
“I regretted not investing in a website designer as soon as I started trying to do it myself”
There are more but these are the ones I hear over and over again!
The thing is, investing in a website design isn’t cheap (not if you’re working with someone that understands what makes a good website that converts).
BUT it can be the difference between that dream client booking you or going elsewhere after landing on the first page!
A good website will convert. Fact!
Think of it this way…a business just a few decades would have required a pretty hefty investment to be able to set up. You’d need a premises to work from and with no internet you’d have to rely on word of mouth, sending leaflets, sponsoring, advertising in the paper etc. There were no DMs or ‘following’.
Yet today – anyone can set up a business, launch a social media account, create some nice graphics and even sell via Paypal through Instagram DM.
That doesn’t cost ANYTHING!
That’s crazy right? But this is where there is a huge difference between those who are hustling working all hours for very little return and perhaps doing way more than what the job SHOULD be….and those who are investing in their business growth, scaling, learning, growing their network and building a business that allows them to sell higher ticket meaning less clients, more money and more freedom.
Those that invest their time and/or money into the growth of their business and take the action to build their personal brand, these are the women who will become unstoppable and get the results!
So, if your website isn’t currently getting you those leads and sales…perhaps it’s time to review things and think about what it would feel like if you were getting those clients!
My NUMBER ONE website design platform for service based businesses.
Meet Jacquie
Hey lovely! I'm Jacquie and I'm on a mission to empower ambitious, heart-led and impact driven female founders all over the world to stand out and become the next level version of themself.
I'm here to help you to build a stand out personal brand that gives you ALL the good things in life! Freedom, impact, abundance and love.
Your daily goal setting, wellness and action taking journal to keep you on track with bringing your vision to a reality!
The A-Z of prompts, strategies and insights into building a stand out, next level personal brand.
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