We’ve all heard of them…heck you might even have one, maybe more!
Maybe you’ve bought multiple courses, even downloaded the templates with the ‘guaranteed success’ to convert in your emails.
Here is what those funnel teachers/coaches/courses don’t teach and it’s honestly THE foundation that is so often missing for business owners when it comes to scaling their business…..
They are missing their BRAND!!
You can spend a tonne of money and time building out all those funnels, with all the tech, lead magnets and offers BEFORE you’ve worked on your brand positioning.
To then launch that brand new funnel you’ve worked on for AGES and you get a sign up….then maybe another…but then tumbleweed.
That funnel you were convinced was going to give you a huge boost of warm leads flops and you’re left wondering why because you followed all the steps!
But actually, you missed THE very step that will get those perfect fit clients wanting to get on that sales funnel ride in the first place!
Now there are 2 problems here…
You aren’t speaking to your ideal client with your messaging (that’s your visuals AND what you’re saying!)
You are forgetting that actually, most high ticket, pay in full clients don’t want to opt in to a funnel to get the free training, download or whatever else you are offering. They are ready to move and will jump all in if the offer and messaging is right.
What happens is that funnel get’s launched, it fails to get the sign ups, then you’re left realising that actually you DO need to work on your brand, you realise your email sequences and lead magnet messaging is not ACTUALLY aligned to all that work you’ve done.
Then either have to redo everything 😭 OR tell yourself you really don’t want to because of all the time and money you spend creating it, so you settle for the mediocre brand and a year down the line you’re wondering why your business isn’t where you want it to be. 😭
It’s THE most frustrating thing to go through as a business owner AND for me as the person who could have saved all the hassle by getting you on the right path in the first place with your brand!
Now you might be ready to move, but it’s moving with the RIGHT action that’s going to get the results!
When you land on one of those accounts with someone who sells the service for the transformation you desire…do you go through all the opt ins, daily emails etc?
Or do you just KNOW that person is right from the word go?
The leaders in their field mastered their brand positioning BEFORE they built all the systems, funnels and tech to help them scale! ⚡️
When your BRAND is absolutely spot on – when you DO create those funnels & systems they will convert SO much quicker for you!! 🔥
My NUMBER ONE website design platform for service based businesses.
Meet Jacquie
Hey lovely! I'm Jacquie and I'm on a mission to empower ambitious, heart-led and impact driven female founders all over the world to stand out and become the next level version of themself.
I'm here to help you to build a stand out personal brand that gives you ALL the good things in life! Freedom, impact, abundance and love.
Your daily goal setting, wellness and action taking journal to keep you on track with bringing your vision to a reality!
The A-Z of prompts, strategies and insights into building a stand out, next level personal brand.
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